Rabu, 23 November 2011

example hortatory exposition


Narcotics, psychotropic and other addictive substances (drug) is usually called drug is a type of drug / substance is required in the medical world. However, if used without proper restrictions and supervision can caused dependency and can endanger the health of even user soul. The meaning of the Narcotics itself is a substance / drug derived from synthetic or semi-synthetic plants that can lower consciousness, loss of taste, reduce to eliminate pain and can caused dependence. While psychotropic drugs are not efficacious psychoactive through selective effect on the central nervous system that causes typical changes in mental activity and behavior. And other addictive substances are not ingredients that its use of narcotics or psychotropic drugs can caused both psychological or physical dependence. For example: Alcohol, cigarettes, cofein.
Drug abuse and illegal drugs in the community is now increasing. The rise of deviant behavior in the young generation, can dangerous for life of this nation in the future. Because the young as a generation that is expected to become the successor to the nation, but because many young people now are taking drugs so one by one the younger generation is lost in Killing by adikif substance so that young can not be thinking clearly. As a result, generation of a strong hope and intelligent nation would only stay memorable. Most of the spread of drug targets are teenagers. Drug abuse in addition to harmful health yourself is also negatively impact a person's social and economic life. Drug abuse could damage the economy because of the nature of drug dependence, where the body of users always ask for extra doses and with the price of medicines which are relatively expensive drugs then it is economically very harmful.
Family economy could be discharged if the family could no longer pay their families against drug addiction, even this can be bad which can cause the problem of crime such as theft, robbery hold-up even. Family harmony can be disrupted if one or more family members become addicted. The nature of drugs that damage the physical and psychological discomfort will affect social relations within the family. Drug abusers also cause unrest in society. Uncontrolled user behavior can disturb public order and security. Especially if associated with the accompanying spread of various diseases such as Hepatitis, HIV / AIDS, and even death.
Many people think for them already taking drugs to excess will be at risk of death because substances contained in drugs disturbing their immune system so that in a relatively short time can be claimed soul of the user, to act reckless / suicide because users tend to have properties indifferent to the environment he considers himself not useful for this environment which encourages to act reckless, can cause loss of control for the wearer after consuming narcotics. Substances contained in them directly to work attacking nerves in the brain that tends to make impatient and loose control and can cause disease for the wearer because of the Narcotics contain substances that have side effects that cause new diseases.
Drug abuse also affects the nature of a person and cause a variety of dangers, among others: First, to ourself, for example: able to change his personality, causing indifferent nature, like having sex, do not hesitate to torture self, being a lazy, the spirit of learning decreased. Secondly, the family, for example: like stealing items in their own homes, against the parents.
Thirdly, to society, for example: breaking the norms prevailing in society, committing a crime, and disturbing public order.

I think drug abuse and illegal drugs among the society is increasing, up to now has been almost no spread of drugs can be prevented. Given the almost entire population of the world can easily get drugs from people who are not responsible. For example, from drug dealers who like to look for victims in the area schools, discos, and in brothels. Currently, drugs are used more than drugs in our society. This includes the use of drugs for teenagers. They believe that the drug will help them think better, become more popular, still more active, or become an athlete. Most of them thought that the drug would help them escape their problems. But as we know it well before the drugs can not solve the problem. They simply hide feelings and problems. When the medication runs out, feelings and problems remain, or become worse.
Of course This is can make parents, and the government worried about the spread of drug abuse that is too reigned willingly. Drug eradication efforts have often done, but less likely to avoid drugs than among adolescents and adults, even children of elementary and junior high school that fall was a lot of drugs. Until now the most effective efforts to prevent drug abuse in children from families of education. Because parents play a significant role and is expected to supervise and educate their children to always stay away from drugs. Also a lot of the negative impact of drug abuse against the wearer have a direct impact and indirect impacts.
Examples of direct impacts, such as: central nervous system damage or damage to other body organs, changes in attitude and personality, often absent and declining values lessons, become irritable and easily angry, often sleepy and lazy, do not care about their health and can cause craziness and even death. Meanwhile, examples of indirect impacts, such as: like stealing money to buy drugs, being isolated in society and in their dealings with people who are good, big shame because the family will have family members who use illegal substances, and lost learning chance may be excluded from school or college, no longer be trusted by others because most drug addicts would love to lie and committing a crime, sin will continue to grow because forget the obligations of God and live a life which is prohibited by religion, can be put in jail a very excruciating birth inner.
Beside that, drug abuse very impact of the emotional because at the time of use drugs, moods, feelings, and emotions of someone involved affected. One of the effects created by the drug is the change in mood. Drugs can lead to extreme feelings, moods or emotions of users. Especially when the person is basically an emotional person and hot tempered. Emotions a drug addict very unstable and can change at any time. One moment he seems fine, but under the influence of drugs a minute later he could turn into tantrums, throwing things, and even beat up anyone who is nearby. They did not hesitate to beat their wife or children and even their own parents. Because it does all acts of violence under the influence of drugs, so sometimes he does not remember what he had done.
I think that drug users have some factors that cause them to consume drugs. Firstly, the environmental factors, such as his curiosity and he wants to try, then the chance because their parents busy with their respective activities and the lack of affection from family or broken home. Secondly, personality factors, such as: feelings of inferiority in the social the environmental in the community or at school, work, etc., they overcome these problems by drugs abusing or alcohol psykotropika done to cover up their lack so that they get what they want, such as more active and brave.

But with drugs we use we just feel the pleasure shortly after that we will feel sorry, because after we taking drugs likely we will be more short-ages and of course ourselves away from God.

Prevention efforts to the spread of drugs among students, it should be our responsibility. In this case all parties including parents, teachers, and governments must become actively involved in drug aware threats to the nation's children. There are several things to consider when conducting anti-drug programs in schools. Firstly, with involving families because parents have an important role in shaping the belief in the use of drugs in children. How to change family attitudes to use drug, including improving parenting parents in order to create communication and a better environment at home.

Secondly, with providing information from the National Narcotics or from the Police to the schools for the students to understand and know the dangers of consume drugs and a lot of impact for themselves.
Thirdly, moral and religious education should be more emphasized to the students because one of causes of children's entry into this vicious circle is the lack of moral and religious education that they absorb, so that this disgraceful act like they live.
And If parents know their children drug-abusing parents must be calm, controlled emotion, angry, hurt or guilt is useless. Appreciate the honesty of the child, if the child already admitted using drugs, do not show angry reaction, parents should be grateful that the kids want to be honest.

Therefore, we must not abusing the products containing addictive substances that have specific functions and misused as a drug, for example: Alcohol, function as a medical equipment but in material that could be misused as intoxicants. And do not hang out with people who are already consume drugs because it can make us fall into the drug world. So from now on avoid such thing as illegal drugs you should never try because it is prohibited by law or religion. Also, a lot of loss that we can if we take these drugs. Us draw near to God so that we avoid things that want to plunge us into the wrong path. Do not waste our lives just for the novelty.

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